Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Simmon In A Sex Tape

Simmon's the rocker seems to underwent into a sex which got disclosed through a tape across the globe through internet. Lawyers representing Kiss bassist Gene Simmons are furiously trying to stop the spread.

The sex tape showing Simmons in a T-shirt seems to unergoing sex with an Austrian model. The website through which it was disclosed was, GenesSecret.com.

The site sought to sell the video but clips had already went to various locations in the net.The legal actions are undergoing which comprises sending cease and desist letter to various websites claming copyright infringement.

This is really damaging for Simmons because he and Shannon Tweed are having two children together.

Simmons allegedly made the type while on a promotional tour for Frank's Energy Drink. The model he appears with, named only as Elsa, reportedly works for the drinks company.

"The video in question was surreptitiously filmed without Mr. Simmons' knowledge by a woman named Traci Anna Koval," the letter, published by Silicon Valley gossip site Valleywag, reads.